Wednesday, June 20, 2018


What scripts did you use? 

the scripts that i used for solving my Python Challenge Tracker was things like print("what is your name") name=input things like that and figuring out things like the area of the circe if someone says that radius
of the circle. Also did things like how awesome you are if you have any letters in awesome also things like double or quit.

What problems did you have? 

some problems that i had was things like not putting in a letter or getting the whole thing wrong so sometimes i needed to start again. and one of my worst problem was i needed to do a script about something and it almost took like the whole lesson but i kept failling so i needed to start again.

How did you solve those problems?

sometimes when i really need help i asked you or got help from my friends or tried it again and look for the mistake i made.

What did you learn about programming?

First i learned about programming and i also learned that programming is easy as long as you know the basic of programming also i learned that programming is a must needed thing for like games or things like that.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Cumputing HW

What scripts did you use? 

When you run the script its going to what is your name and if you write something other than george it would say something like This is always printed.
name = input("What is your name? ")
if name == "George":
    print("Hello " + name + "!")
print("this is always printed")

What problems did you have? 
The big problem that I had was when i copied the whole thing and it said it was not working so when i asked i found out the i needed to put a gap after "George":.
How did you solve those problems?
i solved the problems by putting a gap after  "George": .
What did you learn about programming?
I learnt that you always need to be careful because if you dont do 1 space or anything like that you cant run the script so i learnt that programing needs to be perfect or it wont work. 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

What script did you use?
I used pyton casting and you needed to do num = input("Enter a number :") answer =num * 3 print ("your number tripled is : " + answer now what this does is if you say 3 its gonna be 9 for ezample if i did 1 its gonna be 3 the number gets * by 3 any number you put in.

What problem did you have?
this one i was having trouble with the challenge because i did not realy understand what i needed to do so when it said Design and write a program to calculate the area  of the circle i imean i know how to figure the surface area of a circle but i dont know how to do the challenge.

How did you solve these problems?
To be completely honest i did not solve the problem yet so when its computing lesson i wil go and ask you.

What did you learn about programming.
Now I kinda understand more about programming and I think its kinda cool how we can code and that code will do something about it. Also I think its hard when I think about how many codes and test and stuff there are in programming.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

What scripts did you use? 
I used a lot of scripts one of that was about math and numbers you first have to say print(5) and I think this was really easy but when it came to times and 0. Something it was kinda hard. The other one was print(“Hello”) print(“he” + “llo”) which was kinda easy.
What problems did you have?
I had some problems with python text when it came to the challenge which was to make a banner I did not understand but for numbers i did understand.
 How did you solve those problems?
To be honest I still could not solve this problems but I think the best choice is to tell you what the problem is or ask a friend. I also had a problem with the number thing but I solved it.
 What did you learn about programming? 

Now I kinda understand more about programming and I think its kinda cool how we can code and that code will do something about it. Also I think its hard when I think about how many codes and test and stuff there are in programming.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

What script did you use?
I used three script the first one is print(“Hello World”) and what is did was
it just said hello world.The second one was print(“Hello what is your name?”)
Name=input Print(“hello,”,name”) which it will ask you a question what your
name is and is you say jack well than it will say hello jack. The next one is
Print(“Hello”*1000) which will say hello 1000 times.

What problem did you have?
The thing about Python is that you need to get everything perfect or it will
not work like if you put a space it wont work so i had some problems from

How did you solve those problems?
I solved the problem by looking at the screen and copying it 100% no
mistake at all.

What did you learn about programming?
That programming is hard and also it needs to be perfect for it to work
so and with programming there are lots of possibility that you can make
money out of it and for all those games i think it would have taken months
of programming.