Wednesday, June 20, 2018


What scripts did you use? 

the scripts that i used for solving my Python Challenge Tracker was things like print("what is your name") name=input things like that and figuring out things like the area of the circe if someone says that radius
of the circle. Also did things like how awesome you are if you have any letters in awesome also things like double or quit.

What problems did you have? 

some problems that i had was things like not putting in a letter or getting the whole thing wrong so sometimes i needed to start again. and one of my worst problem was i needed to do a script about something and it almost took like the whole lesson but i kept failling so i needed to start again.

How did you solve those problems?

sometimes when i really need help i asked you or got help from my friends or tried it again and look for the mistake i made.

What did you learn about programming?

First i learned about programming and i also learned that programming is easy as long as you know the basic of programming also i learned that programming is a must needed thing for like games or things like that.

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